Friday, October 23, 2015

Mobile Payments : Do You Trust It ?

Hello and welcome back to another installment of.....

I'm glad you came back to visit me. lets get started shall we.

Mobile Payments.

At first, i will admit i was extremely skeptical about using my Smartphone's NFC feature to process payments from my bank account. 

Anyone with the smallest amount of paranoia would. However, i have used Apple, Android and Samsung Pay, and although some businesses are slow to accept mobile payments at the moment, it is extremely apparent that NFC payments are the Future.

So lets break down each one a little bit,

First let me say that most payment systems like the ones listed below, are best used with fingerprint verification for added security.
  • Apple Pay
Apple Pay, for lack of a better explanation, is one of the more simpler avenues to use, you input your debit card information, gain a verification through your bank and you should be good to go, ONLY if the business you are patronizing accepts NFC payments that are compatible with Apple's corresponding technology.

  • Android Pay
Similar story, Android Pay is micromanaged through Google, being compatible and usable with the most banks. It is, However, also limited to business that accept Google's NFC payment tech. 

  • Samsung Pay
Samsung Pay is the most impressive of the bunch, it can also be stated that Samsung Pay is the most useful of the other aforementioned payment options. Samsung's new tech allows for payments to be processed without the business or organization having to have NFC tech. 
Let me Explain....

Any card reading machine is compatible with Samsung pay, if the machine allows you to swipe, can just place your phone near the area where you would normally swipe your card, and your device sends a signal similar to the one it receives when a card is swiped. 
Now, the only drawback is that Samsung Pay is limited to only just a handful of banks at the moment, most likely because other companies have placed some stock in Apple Pay, only because it was first on the scene. I'm guessing that it wasn't considered that Apple Pay wouldn't take off like it was supposed to. which causes Samsung to be limited to banks that haven't made a deal with apple yet. 

but that's just a personal theory of mine.

All of these payment systems provide you with a digital card number so that your actual card number isn't used in the transaction, think of it as a additional middle man for added security

when you put it all in perspective, Mobile Payments are more than the future, Samsung/Google/Android are presenting a new way of life for us as customers, Smartphones are consistently developing into All-In-One devices, and one day, we may never need wallets again, let alone debit/credit cards.

So what do you think? 

I am a fan of mobile payments, it works for me. Safe, Convenient, not to mention Extremely Cool-looking when used in public...

again...another personal opinion

In Any Event,
These have been your technological announcement for Friday October 23, 2015
please govern yourselves accordingly!! 

Follow TechExpo on Twitter  - @TechExpo2015
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Follow my personal accounts of every avenue of social media possible lol 
just search for Matthew Rischer XD

Until Next Time...

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Verizon adds $20 to your unlimited data plan.....

Hello and welcome to another installment of...

I'm glad you came back. now lets talk about Big Red for a few minutes 

Verizon recently announced that they will implement a $20 increase on customers with the "grandfathered" unlimited data plan. 

Details on why are still being researched but, rumor has it that this move will allow their customers to upgrade safely without losing their unlimited data in the process. 

which means, that with a small down payment and sequential monthly payments (with that additional $20) Verizon customers can hold on to that data for just a little while longer.

Now, listen. I dont know if this will bring back the unlimited data option, because apparently there are alot of people who have managed to hold on to this grandfathered data. With this development, it might be in Verizon's best interest to reintroduce unlimited data as an option, but for an extra $20, throttling data after 22GB of use (allegedly).

Nevertheless, Verizon is the only company that still offers reliable (even if grandfathered) unlimited data that actually reaches the places that it claims to. Unlike other companies that make the same claim....*cough* (Sprint) *cough*..... XD

only time will tell us exactly how long this will last..

In Any Event....

These have been your technological announcements for Wednesday October 14th, 2015
Please govern yourselves accordingly..

dont forget to follow TechExpo on twitter @TechExpo2015


Like TechExpo on Facebook - just search TechExpo at

Sunday, October 11, 2015

TechExpo' Season 6 - What Happened..(while I was away)

Hello and welcome back to another installment of...

A lot has changed in such a short time. So let me explain somethings.

Now, TechExpo' is ran solely by me (Matthew Rischer), and i have great expectations for the future. I'm back from my small holiday (eh a few months longer than planned), and i look forward to providing all those that are readers with the most up to date technological news. 

I only ask that you guys continue to be patient with me, as i am arranging my life accordingly to fit everything in its respective place.

So lets get in to a little news...

Since last we spoke, alot has happened 

The iPhone 6s/6s Plus has made its debut, as well as the Galaxy Note 5, Motorola 360 (2nd Gen), as well as Android 6.0 (Marshmallow), just to name a few major things.

also with the development of mobile payment systems such as Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and Android Pay. 
Technology is making leaps and bounds into the future, that we may or may not be ready for.

with items like smart washer/dryers to smart-fabric that records your body movement, there are so many things for me to dive in, so with that being said! 

stick around as I do just that!

nothing major in this post just one big ol Welcome Back! 

These have been your technological announcements for Sunday October 11th, 2015
Please govern yourselves accordingly

Like us on Facebook = TechExpo At
and Follow us on Twitter = TechExpo2015

and if you want....
You can Follow me personally - Matthew Rischer (Facebook, Youtube, Soundcloud, Instagram, Ect.)

Monday, June 22, 2015

I Switched From an iPhone 6 Plus to a Moto E....and i love it....

Hello and welcome back to another installment of...

I (Matthew) will get straight to the point.....

 I recently purchased a Motorola 360 smartwatch, and yes,  I was using it with the iPhone 6 Plus, with the help of the applications that bypassed the boundary of operating system discrimination. (lol) 

And just like everyone else, i had issues with the Bluetooth Connection dropping, so i decided to grab a Motorola E (unlocked), that just so happened to be on sale from Best Buy, and I have been using it for a few days now. 

Granted... The Motorola E (on paper) is a significant step backwards in the spec department when compared to a Flagship like the iPhone 6 Plus (128gb)..

but in reality...they are more alike than they are different. 

The Motorola E is missing a front facing camera as well as a flash on the rear. Ill give you that..

however, what shocked me the most about this budget device was its performance. 

with everyday use, its responses to commands and switching applications, loading videos, and consuming various kinds of media was comparable if not matching the experience I've gathered with the iPhone 6 Plus. I wont even mention how well it works with the Moto 360. (even though i just did).

my point is, a device that cost me all of $45 (after tax), in my opinion, should not work as well as a device that cost $1000. there should be a more significant difference between the two, you know, to match that significant price gap. I expected issues with certain services that the Moto E offered, and i was met with shock and awe. 

Needless to say, that in the future i will definitely test many more devices and review them accordingly, but the award of the most surprising smartphone for the price goes to the Motorola E. 

Even if it (Moto E) doesn't have the hardware to go toe-to-toe with an iPhone, the software amazingly keeps up with a device that was claimed to be, the best thing yet. 

But we all know how that goes...

In Any Event, 

These have been your technological announcements for Monday June 22nd, 2015 
Please govern yourselves accordingly

Follow our Facebook page for all the info that we report in between these blog posts!
 Search for "TechExpo at" and Like us! XD

Follow us on Twitter as well @TechExpo2015

See you soon. 

Friday, June 5, 2015

Apple Speaks Death to Subsidies, AT&T and Verizon agree?

hello and welcome back to another installment of.....

We've made it to Season 5! 

We are so excited for the things to come! The technology is ever advancing and we are here to report it all! We know its been a while since we last reported, but we have been busy!

So! on to the news!

Rumor ( from reliable sources) has it, that Apple is seeking to end their subsidies policy with their smartphones soon. What does that mean...

Let us put it to you this way,

normally, when visiting a retail store such as AT&T or Verizon, and you are seeking to purchase a phone. you are offered two options, either purchase the device under a 2 year contract price for say, $299, or choose a installment plan (like AT&T Next or Verizon EDGE). Apple however is seeking to rid us of the former. 

and for once, we completely understand why.

Normally when purchasing devices by subsidy, it leaves the manufacturer at a profit loss, due to the phone either being sold or traded in before all profit that can be made through services is collected. 
Our founders iPhone 6 Plus (128gb) model is just at $1000 from the manufacturer, imagine if he paid only $399 for the same device and in one year traded it in for a highly anticipated Note 5, Apple , through many other  channels and avenues has just lost a profit from him of at least $600 bucks..*exaggerated example*

with these subsidies gone, you would have to purchase all apple devices through a carriers monthly installment plan, which makes the company back almost twice as much as it costs to make individual devices..

However, Apple has always treated customers this way, so it can be stated that this is their "character" as a business. Removing options like this and forcing customers to lease an iPhone, especially when said customer simply may not want to, is in our opinion completely unacceptable. 

then again, its just a rumor. Neither Apple, AT&T or Verizon has confirmed this as of yet, and it is our hope that they will not!

If this is true....What would you do? Leave us A comment either on this blog, or our Facebook page!

be sure to follow us on twitter @techexpo2k14
In Any Event...

These have been your technological announcements for Friday June 5th, 2015, Please govern yourselves accordingly.  

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Google : Rumors and Speculation

Hello, and welcome back to another installment of......

we are glad you made it back...

This post will be a short one.....

Google has officially made their wireless service available. Currently its only available for Nexus 6 owners, but that tactic is obviously geared toward selling more handsets. Which is fine, but most likely will be short-lived. 

moving on....

with Google now serving as a wireless carrier, and pushing sales for the Nexus 6, is it plausible for them to extend their reach into Apple's territory?

Rumors have been circling about, saying that Google was developing an Android Wear app for iOS,
and if this rumor has any truth to it....
Apple could be in some real trouble...

What is that company to do? 

Apple is currently focusing on the Apple Watch and its sales, and if Google steps in the way of that with Android Wear, many people that do not like the design or battery life of the Apple Watch may resort to Android wearables , The Apple Watch's main selling point is that its one of the few high-quality smart watches that is compatible with Apple and is available at this moment, however if Android Wear for iOS becomes reality, that will no longer be so. People could actually pair their iPhones with Moto 360's or Asus Zen Watches, some of which are the best smartwatches available from Google....

and there is more...Google and Apple have not had the most pleasant history when it comes to making the same apps available in their respective application stores.

If Apple decides to block this potential Android Wear app, what does that say to the customers? 
It says to us that Apple wants what Apple wants and the customers rights to desire something other than what they make, are irreverent. It may also spark the idea for people to abandon the iPhone and seek that perfect Smartphone/Smartwatch pairing elsewhere...

We say well played with Google, the ball is in Apple's court now. 
They have a tough decision to make, and we here at TechExpo anxiously await their decision....

In Any Event, 

These have been your technological announcements for Wednesday April 22,2015
Please Govern Yourselves Accordingly 

Follow us on twitter @TechExpo2k14
and Like Us On Facebook = TechExpo At

Sunday, March 29, 2015

My Strange Trip to the Apple Store....

Hello and welcome back to another installment of.......

Glad to see you've come back..

This post is going to be a tad different than usual.... So bear with me.

Recently, Apple released a software update..iOS 8.2, and with that update, came some features and bug fixes and of course increased stability..

It was a few days after this update when I noticed that the camera on my long term tester (iPhone 6 Plus 128GB) , stopped using its auto focusing feature correctly. So like the good little iSheep that I am, I took the tester device into the Apple Store, and said store offered to replace the camera for free, but as a contingency plan, offered to replace the device, if the problem wasn't solved...

It was almost like the sales rep, didn't want the word to get out. Why do I say that? I've worked in retail, and when the company doesn't want you to know something, the sales reps always act, "a certain way". I know because I've been guilty of this.

It was also very obvious that I was not the only one with the camera issue, this discrepancy has been reported in small waves, ever since the software update, and it has prompted Apple to go out of their way to fix all issues.....quietly..

Like anyone else, I was extremely grateful not to have to come out of pocket for the repairs, which was so obviously explained to me as an hardware issue, a manufacturers defect. 

But I couldn't help but wonder, since the defect was not apparent until after the most recent update, could said update cause a hardware issue, something as simple as a commonplace auto focus feature.

And if so, why was Apple ready and willing to replace a $1000 device, in such a non-confrontational way. I had to admit I was more than surprised, but ever more suspicious.

The iPhone 6 and 6 plus has been one of Apple's best moves, since the lines creation. So I would seem practical to fix any and all issues and discredit them to rumor and speculation, especially with new devices on the horizon for this fall, allegedly.....

More on that later,..

In any event. 

These have been your investigative announcements for Sunday March 29th, 2015, please govern yourselves accordingly.

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook! 

Until next time...

Monday, March 16, 2015

The Apple Watch

Hello again! And welcome back to another installment of....

The wait is officially over and speculation can finally end. The Apple Watch has made its debut. And we hear tech expo cannot wait to dive into the details at this device. So without further provocation, here is... The Apple Watch..

The first detail of note is the fact that this watch comes in two sizes, one modest 38mm and one slightly larger, and equally less modest 42mm variant of the watch. 

But wait there's more.... Along with the two different sizes, there are three different types of chassis or watch housings, that you have to choose from. 

The entry level Apple Watch Sport, rightfully so, sporting an aluminum (rumored to be highly durable) chassis and rubber watch bands : starting at $349 for the 38mm and gradually moving up $399 for the 42mm. (Shown below)

The next tier up is simple named "The Apple Watch" sporting stainless steel chassis and watch band for an increased premium appearance, this watch ranges from $549-$1049. Prices vary depending on the watch band options you choose, along with the chassis size itself Yes you read that correctly.....

And finally, which happens to be the most expensive the "Apple Watch Edition" that encompasses a 18 karat Rose gold chassis, that starts in pricing at around $10,000. Kudos to anyone that purchases this variant, you will officially be..."that guy"...

its up to your imagination to determine if this is good or

Now that we've hashed out the prices, lets talk about what you're getting. 

The apple watch (all variants) offers many features that the tech world has become familiar with, thanks to previous android compatible smart watch devices. These apple smart watches have a built-in microphone paired with a small useful speaker, making answering phone calls and replying to text messages a breeze. These new devices also come software features allowing all watch faces to be modified, showing vital information at a glance if you so wish it to be displayed. Naturally you can navigate to such information using buttons and dial on the watch itself but, it's a nice feature nonetheless. One of the most off features of this device is its ability to send hand drawn (by swiping on the watch screen) pictures between your own watch and a friends/spouse's apple watch. (Obviously encouraging people to buy at least 2 per household and recommending them to friends...)

But here is my (Matthew's) personal issue. Apple is and will always be known for radically redesigning, re-releasing and reformatting their devices at or around 6 months of unsuccessful sales...( (i.e. the iPhone 5s and possibly the 6s and 6plus (s) if the rumors have any truth to them....))
So persuading the masses to purchase the first generation model of this device at a price that I do believe is completely unreasonable compared to the competition (like the new pebble smart watch or Motorola 360 ) that offers equal quality and functionality is absolutely absurd.

My advice? 

Wait for a sale....or some sort of offer or decent knock that price down.....
Or simply wait for the second generation of the device with might prove to correct the unforeseen mistakes of the first gen model...

Is it a great device? 
Of course it is!

Is it worth your first born child?


No I'm just kidding...of course it isn't lol

Pre-orders start on April 10th with an expected availability of April 24th..

In any event....

These have been your technological announcements for Monday March 16th, 2015.
Please govern yourselves accordingly. 

Thanks for stopping by...
Follow us on Twitter @techexpo2k14
And Like us on Facebook!!! 
Just search TechExpo at XD

Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge

Hello, and welcome back to another installment of....

we are so glad you've returned!...
you wont be disappointed!

Today we are reporting the latest talk of the town,
The Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge 

On March 1st Samsung held their bi-yearly announcement or press conference at Mobile World Congress Barcelona, Spain. and with those announcements, comes the quelling of rumors and speculation that has had the Internet in an uproar since the release of the Galaxy Note Edge Experiment. Now we have the S6 in all of its highly anticipated glory..

Lets start with the specs of both devices..
First the Samsung Galaxy S6 (shown below)

The S6 is equipped with...
  • 5.1 Quad HD Super AMOLED display pushing 577 ppi (2560x1440 resolution)
  • Quad 2.1Ghz + 1.5 Ghz, Octacore Processor
  • Android 5.0 Lollipop (with TouchWiz on top of course)
  • 16mp Camera with Optical Image Stabilization, Paired with a 5.0mp front facing camera (with quick launch.
  • Ultra Power Saving Mode
  •  Download Booster
  • Samsung Pay
  • "Theme" Store
  • Private Mode
  • 3GB Ram, 2550 mAh battery
  • Wireless Charging (4 hours of battery life on 10 minutes of charging time)
  • Improved, Swipe-less, Fingerprint Scanner, with functionality close to that of Touch ID
The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge
-equipped with all of the above listed features plus...
  • Slightly Larger 2600mAh battery
  • Dual Edge Display (for notifications and other application functions)
Speaking of dual edges, lets discuss the display of the S6 Edge. this new display curves around the sides of the device, dramatically reducing the left and right bezels. and providing unique viewing angles along with a more immersive experience. As seen below.

While the S6 will definitely be considered a flagship with all of its specs (on paper), its more than obvious that the Galaxy S6 Edge will definitely be the company's main focus.

 Both devices will feature some on Samsung's more popular features, such as multi -screen app/web browsing , and app bubbles/contact favorites. but the Galaxy S6 Edge display alone is simply, attractive. Something more that the Edge and S6 have added is a highly reflective rear glass, that just makes people marvel when they lay eyes on it!

The material on this device alone makes it more than a worthwhile purchase.

These devices have an availability set for the month of April, specifically the 10 day of the month.
Naturally deals and prices may vary depending on what carrier you select, but we are told that such prices should be close to if not uniform for this device, seeing that it will be available through all major carriers, including some prepaid carriers...

We hope to get our hands on a test model in the near future, to do a comparison of features.
stay tuned for that..

In any event, these have been your technological announcements for Thursday March 5th, 2015
please govern yourselves accordingly..

Thanks for stopping by!
Follow us on FaceBook (TechExpo at
and Twitter @ TechExpo2k14
See you soon!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Samsung Galaxy S6 : Rumors and Speculation

Welcome back to another installment of.....

we are glad you joined us today!

let's get right to it then...

with the announcement and launch, of one of the most highly anticipated smart phones, on the horizon,  rumors and speculation are at an all-time high. with that being said (or typed rather lol). TechExpo' aims to bring you the most relevant and accurate information as it applies to this device.

The Samsung Galaxy S6

just as every new variant of the galaxy s series, there are promises made for an improved camera, faster operating system, and battery life/power saving functionality. This seasons model does not disappoint in these areas, However, Samsung is hinting that one of the main features of this new device is its wireless charging capabilities.

 Currently, other manufacturers have managed to have some smart phones to charge up to, if not more than, 50% in less or around 30 minutes.

And.....with that kind of foundation already set, it would be foolish for Samsung to produce the same standard for wireless charging for the S6, so that usually means that there must be some awesome tech that blows the competition out of the water, completely. or at least for a few months.

More rumors include a fingerprint scanner that is Paypal certified, allowing the door to be open for "Samsung Pay" (allegedly) . Yes that's right, Samsung is taking a stab at the mobile payment industry, while Apple is in this moment of getting their bearings. Check and mate...nicely played.

and of course with this device running touchwiz (over android 5.0) you can expect to see most of the features that were popular in the Galaxy S5 and Note 4/Edge, minus the stylus of course.

 and speaking of edge....

the most interesting and equally the most talked about rumor for this device is its design.

Galaxy S6 (below, possible design)

 Galaxy S6 Edge (below possible design)

Galaxy S6 Edge (possible additional curve)

cryptic, yes...we know.

that's how Samsung operates

Samsung conducted an experiment with the release of the Galaxy Note Edge to see if curved displays could be a permanent fixture in the future designs of their devices, the results (as you can imagine) were mostly inconclusive due to a limited production and availability, but it did amass that there was some interest from customers and developers for different kind of display.

So there could possibly be, two versions of the Galaxy S6, the regular and..the Galaxy S6 Edge, sporting 3 curved edges (allegedly).

so it is apparent that Samsung is not afraid push the envelope, nor are they ashamed of innovation on any level.

and who cant appreciate someone willing to challenge the "norm".

we expect this device to be announced officially March 1st with an anticipated availability for the end of this years 1st quarter (possibly end of march/ beginning of April, mid April at the latest)

In Any Event....

These have been your technological announcements for Tuesday February 17th, 2015
please govern yourselves accordingly..

and remember... you heard it here first!

Follow us on Twitter @TechExpo2k14

Monday, January 26, 2015 a cell service provider? Is this real?

welcome to another installment of........

and apparently.....Google is making some more of their infamous "major moves".

There have been talks and rumors going about suggesting that Google Inc., for some time now, have been considering the idea of becoming a cell service provider. Based on that last sentence alone, this could turn the world of mobile smart phones completely upside down.
"I'm (Matthew) freaking out just a little bit at the news"....those were my exact words, reading the story this morning, parenthesis and all. 

I mean could you imagine going to a Google store or kiosk like you would do for At&t or Verizon and not only purchasing an unlocked device, but a cell service as well? That would be mindbogglingly amazing. and not to mention that this would definitely upset all the other processes that current popular companies already have in place. including roll-over data, and the UN-carrier craze currently going about the nation.

Speaking of un-carrier, it is also rumored that Google could possibly use some of T-mobile and Sprint's towers to provide their services. Yes, I see that face your are making, because I'm making a similar one, i know you think this may not be the best idea, but honestly these companies are not on top at the moment, maybe with assistance from Google (who also happens to have proven ties with other manufacturing companies such as Motorola and Htc) these companies can rise up together. Its not like they have other lucrative choices outside their own semi-annual gimmicks. 

Since Google has already had marginal success with their 'Fiber' project for Internet services, its apparent that the company is more than ready to get their feet wet with cell service..

and of course I have questions.
such as, but not limited too..

- how much would the service cost? 
- will there be early upgrade incentives?
- will the devices that are sold be unlocked?
- will there be contracts?
- unlimited data?
- supported updates of the latest android software?
- replacement device options?
- insurance?

more than likely Google will be prepared for these questions, and many more that I didn't think of.
However, right now I already want them to take my money.

I mean, come on.....Google and your cell service provider? 

How cool is that?!

In any event....

these have been your technological announcements for Monday, January 26th, 2015
please govern yourselves accordingly!

thanks for stopping by! 

be sure to like our facebook page (techexpo at

and follow us on twitter @techexpo2k14

questions? concerns? topic ideas? 

send them all to our writer directly!!! 

until next time! 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

LG G Flex 2

 Welcome back to another installment of....

We are glad to see you've returned! And to those who are just joining us.... you are most Welcome as well.

Lets get right to it, this shouldn't take long. XD

Right before CES 2015 started,  LG held a press conference, debuting some of their newest products from washing machines and refrigerators, to televisions and smart phones!

Which leads us to the LG G Flex 2!

This year's G Flex is equipped with......

  - Improved laser focus (camera)
- 64 octacore chipset
- Android 5.0 Lollipop
- Stronger, more durable and flexible screen. (5.5 inch p-oled display)
- More responsive healing factor (on rear plate)

.....and of course the new Flex comes with a spectacular 3000mAh battery with quick-charging capabilities and a few other features that we are going to talk on...

wait for it....

 A new knock-on screen feature that allows you to have a quick glance at your notifications, as well as the ability to customize your lock screen with complicated passwords (lol)

There is also something interesting in the camera, a new gesture for selfies. allowing you to take pictures with out touching the main screen or and buttons on the phone.

Call them gimmicks if you wish, But you got to admit the levels of coolness to this device!

Let's hear it for the G Flex 2! 

Start looking for this device soon at you respective retail stores! LG has hinted, and kind of promised, that this device will not be as expensive as its predecessor or the current competition.

So there is that...

Is it worth your upgrade?

In our opinion? 

If you are coming from the first G Flex, or devices like the Galaxy Note 3 or Nexus 5......then yes....

This device pretty much holds its own with the devices that debuted in late 2014. 

as for its quality of life, well that depends on the price. 

In any event.....

These have been your technological announcements for Tuesday, January 20th, 2015
Please govern yourselves accordingly!

don't forget to follow us on Twitter @TechExpo2k14

Sunday, January 4, 2015

The YotaPhone 2 - The Two-Faced Smartphone

welcome back to another installment of.....

Yes, that's right we are now in season 3 of our reporting the latest and greatest news in mobile technology! we celebrate every day, and even more so with each view and hit we receive! 
Thank you! 
- TechExpo' Management


lets talk about the phone with two faces...

In the United Kingdom, there is a phone with two displays. This particular device is making quite a few waves in the tech world. Its simply known as the Yotaphone.
This particular blog will review the Yotaphone's 2nd variant, adequately named the Yotaphone 2.

As seen above, the Yotaphone sports a  kind of average (not meaning bad) 1920x1080 main display across a 5 inch LDC display, nothing you haven't hear of before of course. 

however the rear display, is comprised of E-Ink technology ( that is present on the early Kindle E-Readers) that allows for the phone to be operated completely from the rear screen.

And that's not all this E-ink 4.7inch rear display, when operated, can significantly save on battery life, thus extending the range of this device far past 48 hours of operation. (even if its just black and white, it would seem that color requires more power than we first realized) 

But wait, there's more...

vital information can be stored on the rear display because of its "always on" feature, which means that even when the battery is depleted, the rear display will still be indefinitely active.
Yes, that means info such as, boarding pass qr codes, gps directions, shipping information, and much more can still be displayed on the rear screen, when you find that you just didn't make it to a charger in time! How awesome is that!?

Naturally you can customize the rear screen and what it displays. Just know it will show in black and white only. Personally, I find it quite retro-chic, but maybe thats just me...

Here are the other specifications for the Yotaphone 2 (2014)
  • It is running Android 4.4 KitKat
  • 2500 mAh battery capacity
  • 2.3ghz processor
  • Quad-Core
  • 2GB of Ram
  • YotaEnergy (promises 48+ hours of operation)
  • 3g (4gLte capable)

The Yotaphone 2 was easily the most innovative mobile device of 2014, from across the pond. 
it can definitely be said that the United Kingdom is not to be ignored when it comes to discovering new and inventive ways to use technology.

I know we here at TechExpo' will be keeping a close eye on the progress of the Yotaphone!

Now, it comes in black or white, and the E-ink display works the same on the white version, just with inverted color scheme. 

and dont be upset, even though the device originates in the UK, it is available in the States
While in the Kingdom, the Yotaphone 2 is sold for 555 pounds, 
(in the states that translates to  about $717)

There is also the original Yotaphone available for a mere 319 pounds ($488 USD)

and you can purchase them here = (( ))

now, keep in mind that these are contract-free, unlocked phones with 3g/4gLTE capability. 

the price tag may be intimidating, but the quality of technology is worth that and more. 

hopefully, we can manage to get our hands on it soon to bring you guys an "after the purchase" segment. 

in any event....

These have been your technological announcements for Monday January 5th, 2015
Please govern yourselves accordingly

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we look forward to hearing from you!!